Both Steph and Morgan and have done the Disneyland thing (Celestial Kingdom on Earth)several times, but never during the holidays. That is until, this year. Of course, it was Keira's first trip. There were 16 of us in all as Steph's family were all there to spend a few days with us in Southern California. And other than 1 rain soaked day, the rest was of the getaway was good times. Short lines, nice temps, and tons of talking bears, dolls, critters, dwarfs, fish, fairies and pirates to scare the heck out of us
Keira's official initiation into the family. The SMUSCH by Uncle Jared and Brady. Much much bigger than any mundane Christening or Barmitzvah
Her Tinker Bell hat we found in the Mad Hatter Gift Shop. Had her written all over it.
Jake and Morgan on the new Toy Story ride at California Adventure. One of the highlights at either park
Miss Kaylie. Holding Keira here, but all she's really thinking about is Mason. So dreamy
It's a Small World decked out Holiday style
Tinker Bell's pixie dust put Keira right to sleepGrandpa and Grandma's favorite part of the whole trip. Taking Keira and Lexi on the Tea Cups. That is untill Keir's lunch came up after spinning too fast
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Just click on the icon above to see some of Morgan's latest clips from the anchor desk
Let's Play, Guess Who Belongs
And Who Doesn't
Bunnies have never been so cool
It took her a while to find it
Shower Cake
Guess Who's in the Better Mood
Munch'n on some Robert Redford with cousin Ben
Steph's New B-Day Dishes
The KSN Team Veteran's Day Shoot
Why didn't you tell me about this before?
Love my Bottle, Love my Chair
This movie, "Marley and Me," managed to do somthing very few things ever have. Made Morgan cry like some sick, tired, hungry thumb sucking baby in dire need of its mommy. A very touching flick.
SSSOOO fun!! We are jealous. We thought about your guys over the holidays. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
Say hi to Keira from her cousin Gracie.
WOW!! FUN!! Keira is definietly destined to be a disney lover :)
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